Доскажалоб.рф » Продукты питания » Жалоба / отзыв: I have a order from london, England - I cant receive the order that arrived in Moscow 117303 post office

Жалоба / отзыв
I have a order from london, England
I cant receive the order that arrived in Moscow 117303 post office

The orders came from London, England to me in August 5, in the adress of 117303 post office. I gone there to receive my order, but they didnt submit to me, they said that there is a name by the name of yulia, it means its not your order, although my address and my phone number is written on the parcel, and I have bill of the post office from london, but they do not submited my order. I dont know that thename yulia why is written in your database.

Жалоба-отзыв: I have a order from london, England - I cant receive the order that arrived in Moscow 117303 post office.  Фото №1  Жалоба-отзыв: I have a order from london, England - I cant receive the order that arrived in Moscow 117303 post office.  Фото №2 
Дата публикации:

Обидчик: I have a order from london, England

Страна: Россия

Категория: Продукты питания

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